Poor neglected blog!
I'm so sorry for not giving you the love you deserve!
Truth is I just got done with an insanely busy time. I'm trying to take a break before kicking the premade things back into production (everything has been custom made for the most part), but just as soon as I whittle down the orders, another comes in (I'm not complaining, I swear!).
I've also been lamenting on a certain task I undertook. I got an order for an umbrella, and in the conversation with the customer, we decided that instead of sending him the premade one I'd do a custom one that was more masculine. He specifically (and flattered me to no end) loved the feel of the umbrella he purchased, and feels that it represents well the gothic style.
Now, I feel I have a very high standard to live up to. And I'm having trouble living up to that standard. More than likely, you could say I am trying to hard. But I feel like the ambassador to goth on this one, I feel like I'm speaking for all us goths, even if it's just a whisper in the grand scheme of things.